Paul's Top 4 Reads of 2019 So Far...

Hey everyone, Paul Bassi, Founder of Your Virtual Mentors here.

Today I wanted to share with you my top 4 reads of 2019 so far.

Before we get started just so you know this post does contain affiliate links, if you click them and make a purchase YVM may receive a commission. This all goes towards helping grow YVM and fulfill our goal of helping as many business owners as possible.

Let's get started with those top 4 books of 2019...

Start With Why - Simon Sinek

This book had a profound impact on me and Your Virtual Mentors. It's not a new book but I only read it in June of this year.

I'd heard about it but never picked up. I wish I had sooner. As the title suggests it's all about building a business with your real why front and centre.

I listened to this book via Audible (sign up and listen to the book for free) on a plane to see my good friend NLP Trainer JoJo Ellis.

Having read this book it helped me reconnect with the purpose of YVM...

WHY WE DO IT - we think it sucks business owners give up on their dreams or spend their lives getting average results. We're here to change that. We exist to advise, support and inspire you. We are Your Virtual Mentors.

HOW WE DO IT - we leverage technology and source knowledge which we then deliver it to those who need it at scale.

WHAT WE DO - we create and facilitate online courses, memberships and content for business owners.

Getting very clear on why, how and what you do will transform your thinking from small picture to big picture. I can't recommend it enough.

You hear Simon Sinek's Ted Talk on this topic here.

And for the full story you can listen to the book on Audible or grab a paperback copy via Amazon.


Get Rich Lucky Bitch - Denise Duffield-Thomas

Money, money, money...so often a taboo subject and one that weirdly many business owners aren't always comfortable talking about.

Whoever you are, wherever you are in business...get this book. Whether you're just looking to make your first £100 or first £1 million this book will help you.

You see, we all have limiting beliefs, values and stories we tell ourselves. Particularly around money.

All of which combine to determine how much money we have, how we use it, manage it and view it.

The key thing as this book shows is that most of those beliefs or values weren't consciously chosen by you. They were added throughout the course of your life, but they determine so much of it now.

This book will help you unblock, break down and change the way you think about money.

This isn't some airy fairy manifestation book, it has practical exercises, strategies and ideas which will help you attract and ultimately (if you stick with it) have the amount of wealth you want in your life.


The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod

From the author of the Miracle Morning Hal Elrod brings you the simple formula that will have you creating miracles in your life.

Unwavering faith + extraordinary effort = miracles

It's right there on the cover of the book. Now you know exactly what the book is about you might think you don't need to read it.

Don't make that mistake. Knowing something and fully buying into are two completely different things.

By reading the full book you'll understand why these two things create miracles, how it can do the same for you and where to start.

It sounds so simple, but not many people are doing it. That's because it's not easy to do. Start off by investing a bit of time by going deeper than just knowing the equation.

I keep this book by my bed as a reminder. I flick through and read pages every now and again. I want to remind myself it's about keeping the faith and the effort going despite how things might seem to be in the moment.


Money & The Law of Attraction - Abraham Hicks

I bought this book on Audible several months ago but only jumped back into in June/July time. I was going all in on law of attraction work. Along with Get Rich Lucky Bitch I also re-read the classic Think & Grow rich.

All I will say is, the more (of the right) books you read on money mindset and law of attraction the better. When you hear different stories, different ways it's taught you understand it more and more.

You start to focus on what you do want, you start to take action, you break through limiting beliefs and so much more.

This particular book was less practical but still a thoroughly worthwhile listen regarding law of attraction / money mindset. It introduces the topics in a Q&A format and you'll often find your questions being answered as you go along.


My Top Pick...

If I had to pick a favourite... right now I would have to say Get Rich Lucky Bitch.

The practical exercises shared within are truly life changing. I can speak from personal experience the shifts I've had since reading it.

For more book recommendations make sure to check out the YVM Bookshelf.

And to see what else I recommend click below...

Listen to one of the above books for free...click here to join Audible and listen to one of the books for free.



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