5 Simple Ways To Reduce Procrastination

“The best way to get something done is to begin.” (unknown)

Procrastination is something that all business owners do at some point.

Maybe you've come up against a big challenge and your mind starts looking for anything else to do.

Maybe you've come up against a limiting belief that stops you from taking action.

Maybe you've got a bit tired and those distractions are just too enticing.

Whatever the reason for procrastinating it's crucial to your long term success that you find ways to reduce it both in terms of frequency and how much impact it has.

Don't worry though, Your Virtual Mentors are here to share with you 5 simple ways to reduce procrastination...


Why? Often a task seems too big to get started on or scary or overwhelming causing you to find anything else to do but get started.

Take those fears away by breaking down the task down into the smallest step you could take.

Break it down, then just do that one tiny thing. Go as small as you like, the key is taking that first step.

Chances are you will find yourself building some momentum and doing more than just that first task.

No matter whether you do just that first step or more, you've now got started. All you need to do next, is the next step and keep repeating.

Remember - the hardest part is often getting started.


Chances are it's your phone, the TV or people.

Find ways to mitigate these outside influences from enabling your procrastination.

Separate yourself from your phone.

Don't work in a room with a TV.

Have a do not disturb sign.

Unless you control your environment you're opening up these procrastination opportunities.

How often have you picked up your phone and started scrolling through apps because a task got difficult.

Start to notice what triggers you're procrastination. Become more conscious about what helps you procrastinate and then seek to change, remove or replace things to stop it happening again in the future.


Have you noticed how when you leave things till the last minute you somehow still find a way to get it done in time?

Ever notice how when you start something well in advance of a due date that it takes up more time than you expected?

If you give yourself a week to complete something it will take a week, irrespective of how much time is actually needed.

Work expands to fill the time available for its completion (Parkinsons Law)

For example, this blog post... if we allowed 5 hours to write and edit it, then sure enough that's roughly how much time it would take.

Similarly, if we allowed 2 hours...then that's what it would take. Now, obviously there is a minimum amount of time needed, but the key to reducing procrastination is ensuring you're not allowing yourself too much time.

It's the power of having a deadline that kicks us into gear. Give yourself the time needed to complete a task but no more. Schedule this task in close to the deadline with perhaps a small buffer.


Writers write daily. Singers sing daily. Vloggers do video daily. Runners run daily. Sales people sell daily.

To become great at anything, to achieve big goals do it daily.

That big goal you're procrastinating on, commit to spending time every day on it.

Sometimes that daily time might not produce much, other times it will be pure gold. What you do on any day doesn't really matter though.

The key is consistency, forming the habit of working on it daily will have you moving towards your goal like a freight train.

Take the pressure off by simply focusing on committing time to your goals each day.


Our final suggestion, is to ask this most important question...

"What is really going on here?"

When you procrastinate there's subconscious thoughts and processes going on.

Ask why you're procrastinating, what's the real reason and get deep into your own mind about what's stopping you.

Are you scared if it doesn't work out? Maybe you're worried you're not able to to do it? Perhaps someone has questioned if it's a good idea?

Explore what's really going on around this task or goal your procrastinating on.

Whether you journal or just make notes take time to get to the root cause of your procrastination.

Beware! Procrastination Comes Back...

Above we've shared 5 great ways to reduce procrastination.

However, it's important to acknowledge that it's an ongoing thing that we all have to manage.

When you're ambitious and looking to grow (we know you are as you're reading this) there will be new causes of procrastination to deal with.

The key thing is by using strategies like the ones above you will be far better positioned to catch it early and reduce it to the point where it doesn't hold you back.

And if you need more help getting accountable, making progress on your goals and realising the success you've dreamed of making sure to take a look at the YVM Business Accelerator Membership.

As a member you get access to our Accountability System, Planning System and Support System. This combination will drastically reduce your procrastination and get you heading towards your goals like never before.

The time you'll save, increased productivity and progress you experience make this membership an invaluable investment for business owners like yourself.

Click here to find out more.

Oh and you also get access to our Training Vault, Coaching, Mentoring, Office Hours and much more.


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